photography by isabel corthier

At the age of 21, Ayethikar was very sick and the people of the village recommended her to go to a monastery, because that brings happiness. So that is what she did. She is now 32 years old.
A few years ago, however, she became infected with hepatitis C due to unhygienic treatment at the dentist. However, Buddhism teaches her not to be resentful. She never doubts her choice and will serve until the end of her life in the convent.
In total there live 30 nuns in the Agayar Tawya Convent monastery in Yangon, the youngest nun is 7 years old. The male monks live in another building a little further.
89% of the country’s population is Buddhist. Many children in Myanmar feel the call to become a nun or monk at a young age. It is common for a Buddhist person to serve at least once in their life while staying in a monastery. It brings happiness to the family.
Yangon, 2014
This project was exhibited at the Barrobjectif photo festival in Barro, France.