photography by isabel corthier

Brotherhood Social Club
Dress like a gentleman, behave like a gentleman
In an original -and highly fashionable!- way the Brotherhood Social Club fights against crime in their community. South Africa counts more than 50 murders a day. In 2019 the high number of gender-based violence was declared a national crisis.
Dressed up in exquisite fashion outfits, referring to the days when respect was a high value amongst black South Africans, the members of the Brotherhood Social Club parade around their townships to beat back the attitude of crime and to reintroduce good manners.
In an original and positive way, they approach their brothers and sisters demonstrating empathy and fellowship. Getting noticed through their exquisite clothing style and positive energy is part of the strategy of the Club: people get interested to meet and listen to them. Respect and acceptance in the community is key to connect later on with individuals who went on the wrong path or live in extreme poverty. Since all members live in townships they can tackle the problems from within with a deep understanding of the situation.
The idea of the group is born out of the desire to go back to the style and (self-)respect black people had before 1994. The dress style refers to the Pantsula style. This is a fashion and dance style that originated during the times of apartheid. During the community walks often the members get attention through their dancing style and positive energy.
The club is a mix of young and old members. While the older men get more respect, they also need to identify with the younger generation. The club has a facebook page where they put photos and videos and a youtube channel. (FB: Brotherhood Social Club National) Lots of youngsters take them as role models.
On the 9th of November 2019 the club organised a big march through the township Weltevreden Valley North in Cape Town for the official inauguration of the club and the nomination of Izzy as the president. Although they exist since 5 years the inauguration was done now. The Club currently has more than 100 members divided in 7 branches across South Africa. They are planning to expand to Botswana in 2020.
Together with the use of social media, their physical presence in the community makes them for me the real influencers in today’s South Africa.
Published in National Geographic NL , Stern magazine, Geographical, MO magazine, Nat Geo Traveler.
Exhibited in Barrobjectif France and Hamburg Germany.
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